Concrete Mender™ Data Sheet


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Concrete Mender™ TDS
Description :Two component, high penetration polyurethane for crack, spall, and surface repair.

Roadware 10 Minute Concrete Mender is a high-penetration two-part hybrid urethane that combines with sand to form a tough instant polymer concrete. This nearly water thin formula is designed to break the surface tension of concrete thus creating extremely high bond strengths and permanent repairs.

Roadware 10 Minute Concrete Mender produces polymer concrete repairs that absorb the shock of heavy traffic without cracking or disbonding. It is highly chemically resistant and can be applied in a wide range of temperatures. It is excellent for industrial floor repairs subject to forklift traffic and harsh conditions.


  • Repairing hairline cracks or larger, where future movement is not anticipated.
  • Restoring integrity to distressed concrete.
  • Connecting broken slabs.
  • Repairing moving slabs.
  • Repairing spalls and pop-outs in concrete.
  • Securing bolts, equipment, or railings into concrete.
  • Vertical repairs when combined with specified sand.
  • Repairing concrete surface imperfections prior to coating.


  • Extremely low viscosity allows deep penetration into concrete.
  • All material is self-mixed and delivered at the point of application. No messy pot-mixing or wasted product.
  • When combined with manufactured sand, Concrete Mender will form a tough 4000-6000 psi polymer concrete with similar properties to existing concrete that will stay pliable over time.
  • Safe to use. Materials react quickly with very low odor.
  • Self-leveling or may be combined with sand and worked with a trowel.
    Completely cures in 10 minutes after application at 70° F. Will also cure rapidly in subzero environments.


  • Long lasting repairs that accommodate harsh physical environments.
  • Easy preparation, a wire brush is all that is needed in most cases.
  • No downtime, repairs are fully ready for traffic in approximately 10 minutes from application.

Roadware 10 Minute Concrete Mender™ is designed for use on interior or exterior concrete surfaces. It is intended for dormant cracks, dormant contraction joints, spall repair and more. 10 Minute Concrete Mender™ is designed to restore the concrete back to original design parameters. Underlying causes of cracking or deterioration should be addressed before making repairs. It must be applied to concrete free of surface moisture, dirt or contaminates.

10 Minute Concrete Mender

50 ml dual cartridge unit with 15 gauge needle tip mixer (80105 Grey) (70105 Off-white)

21 fl oz. dual cartridge units (600 ml) with mixer (80300 Grey) (70300 Off-white)

2 gallon kits (7.57 liters) in two parts (80020 Grey) (70020 Off-white)

10 gallon units (45 liters) in two parts (80050 Grey) (70050 Off-white)

Technical Data:

Typical Properties Value ASTM Test
Hardness @ 72° F. (22° C) 72D na
Compressive Strength 3883 / 6681 with sand (psi) D695-15
Tensile Strength 3385 psi D638-14
Elongation 7% D638-14
Average Modulus 1039 Mpa D638-14
Bond Strength 13.6 Mpa C882-99
Viscosity <8 cps na
VOC 5.5 g/l na
Surface Tension 0.026 N/m D 971
Gel time @ 72° F (22° C) 6-7 min na
Cure time @ 72° F (22° C) 10 min na
Ambient temperature range for application -30C  to 43C°F na
Solids 98% na


Part A Part B With 40-30 grit manufactured sand Total Yield
1 liter 1 liter 4 liter 4.4 liters
1 liter 1 liter 0 2 liters
1 gallon 1 gallon 4 gallons 4.4 gallons

Application Temperature: Recommended application temperature is between 0° F and 100° F (-18° to 38°C). It is best to keep material at room temperature (60° to 80° F) prior to application. If manufactured sand is to be used with product, it also should be kept at room temperature. Avoid frost laden surfaces as this may adversely affect bonding and curing. 10 Minute Concrete Mender will fully cure in 10 minutes at 72° F (22° C). Cure time is affected by the temperature of the material and the temperature of the concrete surfaces. Warmer temperatures will decrease cure time and colder temperatures will increase cure time. In extremely cold environments, heat the concrete to remove frost before application

Surface Cracks (all depths and widths): Cracks should be free of dirt, oils, dust, latents and old crack repair materials. ALL SURFACES MUST BE CLEAN AND DRY. New concrete must be fully cured. A wire brush, twisted wire wheel, or diamond blade attached to an electric hand grinder is recommended for preparing cracks and creating a clean surface for bonding.

Surface Spalls and Deflections: Remove all loose materials back to sound concrete with a chisel or light chipper. DO NOT SQUARE CUT THE REPAIR AREA. If a square appearance is necessary, lightly score surface and remove material. Use a wire brush or twisted wire wheel to clean the repair area. All surfaces must be free of dirt, oils, dust, latents and old repair materials. New concrete must be fully cured.

Cartridges: 10 Minute Concrete Mender is a two component material and must be thoroughly mixed at a ratio of 1 part “A” to 1 part “B” by volume. Mixing and metering of 10 Minute Concrete Mender is achieved with self-mixing cartridges provided by Roadware, Inc. Material is ejected from prepackaged cartridges through a supplied static mixing nozzle with a dual component caulking gun such as the Roadware 5300 Application Tool, Mixed material is applied directly into the repair area immediately after mixing.

Bulk: Due to the rapid setting nature of the product, pot-mixing of the components is not recommended for crack and joint repairs less than 3/4″ in width. 10 Minute Concrete Mender supplied in 10 gallon kits may be bucket mixed in quart batches and applied immediately to the repair area. Combined one pint of Part A with one pint of Part B. Mix with a drill mixer or hand mixing stick for 30 seconds or until well blended. Add 2 quarts of manufactured sand and mix for an additional 10 seconds. Pour the entire batch into the repair area immediately. SEE BULK MIXING INSTRUCTIONS INCLUDED WITH MATERIAL.

Application Methods:
Surface Cracks (all depths and widths).

1. Assemble the cartridge according to the provided instructions.

2. Hold the 5300 application gun in an upward position and insert the cartridge into the gun.

3. Gently squeeze the trigger to release air and begin the flow of material into the mixers.

4. Point the mixer into a waste container and squeeze the trigger to start the mixing process.

**Important**: Do not point the mixer upward once the material is flowing. Doing so may cause the material to flow back into the tubes, which can lead to clogging.

Pre-wet the repair area with mixed Concrete Mender without sand. Fill it with 30-40 grit manufactured sand and any additional material required to achieve the grade. Ensure that all of the sand is completely saturated. You may add more sand to the repair as necessary. The saturated sand can be moved into place using a margin trowel or scraper. Work on one small section at a time. Do not cease the flow of material for more than 2 minutes. If the material hardens in the mixer, remove the cartridge from the gun and replace the mixer. Fill all repair areas to the correct grade. When the material cures (turns gray) in about 10 minutes, use a sharp scraper to remove excess material for a smooth and flat finish. Finished repairs can be “cleaned up” by sanding or buffing within a few hours after application.

Fill all repair areas to grade. When material cures (turns gray) in about 10 minutes, remove excess material with a sharp scraper for a smooth and flat finish.

Spalls: Pre-wet repair area with mixed Concrete Mender without sand. Fill with one inch 30-40 grit manufactured silica sand and additional material to grade. Continue with multiple layers as necessary. Be sure to saturate all of the sand completely. Additional sand may be added to the repair as necessary. Saturated sand may be moved into place with a small squeegee or scraper. Work with one small section at a time. Do not stop flowing material for a period of more than 2 minutes. If material sets inside mixer, remove cartridge from gun and replace mixer. A trowel or scraper may be used to move saturated sand into place and to create a level surface. If required, surface friction may be maintained by adding additional manufactured to the surface as the material cures. Allow to cure (approximately 10 minutes). Finished repairs may be “cleaned up” by sanding or buffing within a few hours of application.

Delaminations: Use the Roadware Easy Injection System with cartridge mixer 1006-STR. Preparation: Determine the expected depth of the voids in the concrete. Roadware Easy Injection works best for voids one inch deep or greater. Drill a pattern of 3/8-inch diameter holes into the delaminated area, approximately ¼ inch deeper than the void in the concrete. Remove drill dust with an OSHA-approved vacuum that will contain silica dust. A hole pattern can be established based on the size of the delaminated area and the void in the concrete. The best practice is to start with a 6-inch grid of holes, make the repairs, and test for results after the Concrete Mender cures for 2-3 hours. Additional holes between the original holes may be necessary. Install Concrete Mender using the 1006-STR mixer. Apply the product to several holes at a time, alternating between holes and allowing the material to set as you go. Filled holes may be finished by adding a small amount of sand or left to cure flush with the surface. In some cases, sounding the concrete with a metal chain or bar may not accurately represent an effective repair. Concrete Mender’s structural bonding and high tensile strength will create a pinning effect within the concrete even if the voids are not 100% filled.

Crack Injection: Use the Roadware Easy Injection System with cartridge mixer 1006-STR. Preparation: Determine the expected depth of the cracks in the concrete. Roadware Easy Injection works best for cracks ranging from hairline to 0.125 inches in width. Drill a 3/8-inch diameter hole into the crack one inch deep along its length, spacing the holes equal to the depth of the concrete crack. EXAMPLE: For a 6-inch-deep slab, drill a hole every 6 inches. Remove drill dust using an OSHA-approved vacuum that will contain silica dust. Place transparent plastic repair tape over the length of the crack and the pre-drilled holes, slitting the tape over the pre-drilled holes. Install Concrete Mender using the 1006-STR mixer directly into the pre-drilled holes. Apply the product to several holes at a time, alternating between them and allowing the material to set as you proceed. You should see the material flow under the tape along the crack into the next hole. Filled holes may be finished by adding a small amount of sand or left to cure flush with the surface.

10 Minute Concrete Mender is composed of an amber colored liquid and a violet colored liquid. The material is black when dispensed and cures to a gray finish. Alternate colors can be achieved by selecting different colors of manufactured sand. 10 Minute Concrete Mender will lighten in color when exposed to ultraviolet rays. This natural occurrence within urethanes will NOT effect the physical properties of the material or the repair.

Clean Up:
Clean all tools and equipment immediately after use with acetone, xylene, MEK, or toluene. Cured material may be removed by soaking or abrading. 10 Minute Concrete Mender is very aggressive, gloves should be worn to keep material from contacting skin. Use an industrial paint and stain hand cleaner to remove from skin.

10 Minute Concrete Mender will cure in approximately 10 minutes from application at 72° F for most traffic situations. The material will reach its full strength in 24 hours. Cure rates in extremely cold environments should be tested beforehand.

Roadware 10 Minute Concrete Mender Part A contains diphenylmethane-diisocyanate (MDI) CASS# 101-68-8, napthelene CASS# 91-20-3, and petroleum hydrocarbon CASS# 64742-94-5.

Inhalation of mists and vapors may cause dry throat, cough, dizziness, headache, nausea, unconsciousness and other central nervous systems effects. MDI can induce respiratory sensation with asthma-like symptoms. Repeated and prolonged contact with skin can cause irritation.

Emergency And First Aid Procedures:
Eye contact – flush eye with water for at least 15 minutes. Get medical attention promptly. Inhalation – remove person to fresh air, if breathing is difficult, administer oxygen. Get medical attention immediately. Skin contact – wipe off and wash thoroughly contacted area with soap and water. Ingestion – do not induce vomiting. Consult a physician immediately.

Provide adequate ventilation to keep the airborne concentration of diisocyanate below TLV limit. For concentration above TLV limit, use of a positive pressure self- contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) or NIOSH/MSHA approved positive pressure supplied air respirator with a full face piece and escape (SCBA) required. Use protective equipment to minimize skin contact. Wear chemical safety goggles, and laboratory coats or aprons to avoid skin contact. Provide access to safety shower and eye wash stations.


Roadware 10 Minute Concrete Mender Part B contains naphthalene CASS# 91-20-3, and petroleum hydrocarbon CASS# 64742-94-5

Inhalation of mists and vapors may cause dry throat, cough, dizziness, headache, nausea, unconsciousness and other central nervous systems effects. Repeated and prolonged contact with skin can cause irritation.

Emergency And First Aid Procedures:
Eye contact – flush eye with water for at least 15 minutes. Get medical attention promptly. Inhalation – remove person to fresh air, if breathing is difficult administer oxygen. Get medical attention immediately. Skin contact – wipe off and wash thoroughly contacted area with soap and water. Ingestion – do not induce vomiting. Consult physician immediately.

Provide adequate ventilation to keep the airborne concentration of diisocyanate below TLV limit. For concentration above TLV limit, use of a positive pressure self- contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) or NIOSH/MSHA approved positive pressure supplied air respirator with a full face piece and escape (SCBA) required. Use protective equipment to minimize skin contact. Wear chemical safety goggles, and laboratory coats or aprons to avoid skin contact. Provide access to safety shower and eye wash stations.


Please see Roadware representative for details.


Ratio-Pak in a product of Plas-Pak Industries.
10 Minute Concrete Mender™  is a products of ROADWARE, INC.

© 2001-2017 ROADWARE INC All rights reserved.

Roadware Incorporated
FAX 651-457-1420
381 Bridgepoint Way
South Saint Paul, MN 55075

Commercial and Industrial Concrete Repair Products