Slab to slab micro-doweling action, provided by Roadware 10 Minute Concrete Mender™, links concrete slabs together, locks them in place and allows for full-traffic, dynamic-load transfer, in ten minutes. This micro-doweling action is more compatible with concrete and less re-active in harsh environments than even Poly-coated re-bar. Millions of micro-dowels penetrate, then bridge and bond, side by side, broken and jointed slabs. Hairline cracks, trench wide cracks, irregular cracks, cured control joints and variable depth spalls are candidates for this amazing technology.
In ten minutes, at 70 degrees F (21C) , this micro-doweled bond has the same compressive and shear strength as poured and fully cured concrete. This makes bond-line failures a thing of the past. Parallel re-cracking, often experienced when epoxies cure out, are eliminated with Roadware’s Microdoweling™ technology.
“Do one thing and do it very well,” is an old adage for success, At Roadware, Inc. we have engineered our products with that goal in mind. If you would like to repair your concrete and “do it very well” call us for a FREE* demonstration at your site, on your floor, with your cracks, your spalls, your fork-lifts, your loadings, your people and within your budget.

Why it works… See the science behind Roadware!
Core sample photographed under UV light. Pink shows penetration of 10 Minute Concrete Mender™.

*FREE demonstration offered to qualified commercial customers by independent Roadware distributors at their sole discretion.