Concrete Mender™ Delamination Repair and Topping Slabs
Concrete Delamination Repair
Roadware 10 Minute Concrete Mender™ is an excellent choice for repairing concrete topping slab delaminations. The very low viscosity of less than 8 cps and the exclusive Microdoweling™ penetration properties of the material allow it to flow deep into delaminated concrete voids. The Concrete Mender will restore aggregate interlock and will allow dynamic load transfer under heavy traffic. The expense and mess of pressure injection with epoxy can be avoided. No Ports and no pumps needed. Fill and repair delaminations in hours, not days.
The newest method is to drill multiple 3/8 inch (1 cm) holes into the concrete down to the delamination. Remove dust with a shop vacuum and inject pre-mixed Roadware 10 Minute Concrete Mender™ with a Roadware Easy-injection Mixer. With this method, you can actually see the material exit the adjacent hole and verify the material is filling the delaminated area. After filling, the holes may be blended into the surrounding concrete with a finishing stone or re-drilled 1/4″ (5 mm) deep and filled with a color matching concrete mortar.
The Roadware Easy Injection System for crack and delamination repair.
Another method is to dry diamond drill a 2 or 3 inch (5-8 cm) diameter hole into the concrete slab down to the delamination. Dust is removed with a shop vacuum. Roadware 10 Minute Concrete Mender is poured or pumped into the void. Only one or two inches (3-5 cm) of head pressure is required to push the material as far as 10 ft (3 m) into the delamination. When the material backs up to the top of the hole and the void is filled, silica sand is added and the hole is filled flush with the surface. Soundings are made with a hammer to verify the delamination is repaired in about 30 minutes after application.
Roadware is featured in the July 2008 issue of Concrete International. This is the official publication of the American Concrete Institute. The article was written by Nelson Tonet, President of Express Polymers at the time and Roadware distributor. The ACI has granted us permission to allow the article to be downloaded off our website. Click here to download and view the article.
Edge delaminations to topping slabs repaired with Roadware 10 Minute Concrete Mender™ and the Easy Injection system.Edge curling delamination of topping slab secured using Roadware 10 Minute Concrete Mender™ and the Easy Injection System.Holes drilled into concrete delamination voids.Concrete delaminations filled and flooded with Roadware 10 Minute Concrete Mender™.Repaired delaminations drilles, filled, and polished smooth.
Concrete delamination repair project using Roadware 10 Minute Concrete Mender and the Roadware Easy Injection System.
“Delaminations in concrete floor slabs can be difficult to repair in a cost-effective and timely manner. A newly developed product (Roadware 10 Minute Concrete Mender™) that uses a two-part hybrid polyurethane with a viscosity similar to water can significantly reduce the difficulty of performing delamination repairs by easily flowing up to 10 ft (3 m) from an injection point and penetrating deep into concrete surfaces. The product also speeds up repair by setting in only 10 minutes, allowing the repair to be checked by sounding only 30 minutes after product placement.”
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Both methods will yield good results and are more cost effective then epoxy injection.
Product Information for Roadware 10 Minute Concrete Mender.