MarchCrete product in pint containers in front of a repaired exposed aggregate spall.

Spall Repair with MatchCrete™ Clear

Using Roadware matchCrete Clear, cement powder, and rock to make exposed aggregate concrete spall repairs. 


This driveway was seriously damaged from deicing snowmelt treatments. I simply routed out the perimeter of each of the damaged areas. I then thoroughly power washed to remove all dirt and loose debris and allowed the area to dry. I mixed up four separate batches of Matchcrete mender with 1/4”pea gravel seeded on top. I then applied a small amount of fine sand before the surface had hardened. The homeowner was extremely pleased with the finished results!! Thanks so much to the folks at Roadware Inc for their insight and positive support on this project!! Please note,
I will diamond cut, and route open the original joints after full cure time.

Bill Neal, Redmond, WA


One thought on “Spall Repair with MatchCrete™ Clear”

  1. Wow, how creative! I’ve been working the concrete industry for over a decade and have never heard of such a trick. I can’t wait to try it out for myself, thanks for the insight.

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