The Milan-Malpensa MXP International Airport in Ferno, Italy handles nearly 20 million passengers per year and over 500,000 tons of international freight annually. Crews are using Roadware 10 Minute Concrete Mender™ to repair cracks in taxiways. The deep penetration of Concrete Mender and the 10 minute cure helps keep the historic airport running at top efficiency.
Roadware 10 Minute Concrete Mender™ is a tough high penetration polyurethane quickly soaks into small cracks and repairs them before they become big problems.
The MXP Airport saves time and money by repairing cracks early when they are small. The Concrete Mender cures in just 10 minutes. This is perfect for repairing taxiways that have to remain open 24 hours per day.
Crews use Concrete Mender supplied in self-mixing 600ml cartridges to quickly apply material exactly where it is needed. No material is wasted. Manufactured sand is added to extend the product volume and control how much Concrete Mender flows into the crack.
Repairs are ready for airport service in about 10 minutes at 70 degrees F (23C).
The Hong Kong International airport HKG is home to the world’s busiest cargo gateway airport. In 2015, HKG moved over 4.38 million metric tonnes of air cargo. It is also one of the world’s business passenger airports accommodating over 68 million passengers that same year.
HKG Airport at night
Operations at the world’s busiest cargo airport run 24/7/365 without stopping. Maintenance crews need a crack and joint repair material that can be applied in a wide range of conditions and be ready for service in minutes. Roadware Flexible Cement II is a tough polyurethane crack repair material that can be applied at any ambient temperature. It bonds very well to distressed concrete and forms a tough semi-elastic polymer that will withstand heavy airline traffic in about 15 minutes. Crews at HKG airport have relied on Roadware Flexible Cement II to make repairs whenever and wherever needed for over 5 years.
Maintenance workers repair a taxiway at night with Roadware Flexible Cement II.
Crews use Roadware Flexible Cement II in 600ml cartridges to quickly repair concrete cracks in a taxiway at HKG airport.
HKG crews use Flexible Cement II to seal cracks damp conditions.