January 21, 2009
For Immediate Release
Needle Tip Crack Injection
Roadware 10 Minute Concrete Mender™ penetrates deeply into concrete, making repairs from the inside out. With a surface tension one-third of water, this two-part polyurethane may be needle injected into concrete cracks as small as one millimeter. Through a process Roadware calls, “Microdoweling,” the polyurethane drives itself into concrete surfaces and bonds concrete back together in 10 minutes at 70 degrees F. The repair will not get brittle over time and may be coated or polished within minutes.
Roadware’s new needle tip mixers are available in three sizes from 0.8mm to 1.6mm. They are perfect for repairing hairline cracks. Use on polished floors, decorative concrete, and retail showrooms or anyplace where aggressive cutting and preparation is not desired. www.concretemender.com
Kelton Glewwe
National Product Manager
Roadware Incorporated
381 Bridgepoint Way
South Saint Paul, MN 55075
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