Project: Home Depot Garden Center New Construction
Problem: Shrinkage cracks appeared before control joints could be cut.
Solution: Roadware 10 Minute Concrete Mender™ topped with concrete resurfacer.
NOTE: Concrete Mender™ is designed for commercial and engineered applications. It is not recommended for repairing residential driveways or sidewalks.
The Garden Center developed shrinkage cracks parallel to the control joints ranging from hairline to 1/4″ wide.
The crack are lightly scored and cleaned out with a diamond blade attached to an electric grinder. Dust and debris is removed with a vacuum.
Ultra penetrating Roadware 10 Minute Concrete Mender™ is applied directly the crack followed by a 1/4″ layer of 40/30 grit silica sand.
Repairs are made full depth. Silica sand is added to stop “sinkers” and build a polymer concrete matrix.
Additional material and sand is added to fill the crack up to the top.
Excess material is trowelled or scraped of before curing.
After 10 minutes at 70° F., the repair is ready for traffic or finishing if desired. Here a concrete finishing stone is used to blend the repair with the surrounding concrete.
A brushed on topping of concrete resurfacer is added to completely blend the repair into the concrete.
After the concrete resurfacer cures for an hour, the crack is repaired structurally, and is nearly invisible.