Some of the top brands in the world use Roadware Concrete Mender™ in their floors.
- Floor repair stands up to forklift damage.
- Concrete Mender™ Exterior Crack Repair | Home Depot
- Freezer Threshold Repair with Concrete Mender™
- Roadware 10 Minute Concrete Mender™ saves food distribution warehouse thousands of dollars for over 15 years
- Vertical Wall Repair at Club Warehouse Store
- The Control Joint Problem
Large Spalled Control Joint Repair
Roadware concrete repair products are used my thousands of commercial businesses including:
Sam’s Club
Roadware 10 Minute Concrete Mender™ is excellent for repairing concrete floors that must remain open to traffic. This repair was made in just 45 minutes from start to finish. The store was able to open on time with little interruption of service.
After the broken concrete was removed, Bulk Concrete Mender and silica sand was mixed in a bucket and applied to the repair area. Several small batches were used.
In just 10 minutes, the control joint was re-cut and full traffic was restored.
Soon, the floor scrubber will remove the surrounding dust and the repair will blend into the concrete.
Control Joint and Contraction Joint Repair

Slip, Trip and Fall Hazards Easily Repaired
Roadware 10 Minute Concrete Mender™ Recommend
Repairing cracked, spalled, tipped and broken concrete has always been a dusty, noisy and time- consuming job. Even for minor repairs, prep and cure times can take hours, especially when removals are required. Just having an area under construction can be a greater hazard than the fault itself. Roadware Inc. has a proven, easy to use, solution called 10 Minute Concrete Mender™. It eliminates most of the noisy, dusty prep-work and insures permanent repair in minutes.
The difference between Concrete Mender and it’s many forerunners from the epoxy and lately Polyurea groups, is Concrete Mender’s ability to go deep and actually penetrate the base concrete. For years contractors relied on thick and sticky technology, when it appears now, that just the opposite is what’s needed. Wetter-than-water, Concrete Mender it penetrates deep into the base concrete. Unlike epoxy and caulk that fill cracks and spalls then walk away, It doesn’t just fill the crack or spall like caulk it eliminates Over the years, concrete repair contractors have solved their has been used to tackle the most difficult repair situations. It is estimated that over 10 million linear feet of cracked and broken concrete are repaired each year with Concrete Mender and the failure rate, even after years of service, is close to zero.
Concrete Mender can be extended with sand to lower costs and to produce a hybrid polymer-concrete mortar. This mender-mortar is used to construct ramps, fill spalls, level rough debonded concrete, repair concrete steps, spalled balconies, pool decks, etc. Mender-mortar can be colored to match existing concrete or repairs can be coated with any commercial coating on the market.
Scanning electron microscopy was used to unlock the bonding secrets of 10 Minute Concrete Mender™. The Department of Civil Engineering University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, performed the tests under the direction of Prof. David A. Lange. His summary reads as follows:
The microstructure of the interface between Concrete Mender and concrete substrate indicates that a high quality bond is achieved. The success of Concrete Mender is due to the compatibility of Concrete Mender with concrete materials. The fresh liquid has a low viscosity and a low surface tension that allows capillary forces to draw Concrete Mender into the pore structure of the concrete. Experiments indicate that repairs using Concrete Mender fully engage the underlying substrate. The shrinkage of Concrete Mender is low and should not pose concern for debonding or delamination due to volume changes. The Modulus of Elasticity of Concrete Mender, as with almost all polymeric materials, is lower than that of concrete. The strength of Concrete Mender is on the order of concretes used in construction. It is reasonable to expect that repairs with Concrete Mender largely restore the structural performance of the original concrete.