Category Archives: Concrete Repair

Download the Roadware Product Estimator on the App Store

Download the Roadware estimator app for iOS applications.


Read reviews, compare customer ratings, see screenshots, and learn more about Roadware Product Estimator. Download Roadware Product Estimator and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

Source: Roadware Product Estimator on the App Store

Warehouse Floor Repairs in the Dominican Republic.

Franklin Gutierrez in the Dominican Republic is using Roadware 10 Minute Concrete Mender™  to repair multiple spalls in a warehouse floor that were causing damaged forklifts and damaged backs.

“We did 87 repairs for this client, it is a tin can production plant, they work 24/7 so there was no time to close areas for repairs , also lots of equipment very sensible to dust in the air. The major problem was that those small holes were damaging the wheels of the forklifts, damaging the back of the operators and creating possible dangerous situations for the forklift operators, because they manage very heavy loads and even a small hole could make it unstable.
We did all in two days and the client is very very happy, the problems were solved and there was no interruption for them.
This is a big plant that produces for the local market and export, its called Troquedom.” 

Loose materials are removed from the spall.


Bulk Roadware 10 Minute Concrete Mender™ mixed with sand is troweled into the spall. See instructions here.



Heavy forklift traffic can be restored in about 10 – 20 minutes depending on the temperature.
Roadware 10 Minute Concrete Mender™ with Microdoweling™ performance creates structural concrete repairs that will hold up under the toughest warehouse floor applications. Even if the warehouse is for frozen food and -20F or colder.


Stamped Concrete Crack Repair with MatchCrete™ Clear.

Repair Cracks and Spalls in stamped concrete with MatchCrete™ Clear.
You can use MatchCrete™ Clear Concrete Repair Polyurethane to repair intregal color or stamped concrete.
MatchCrete Clear stamped concrete crack repair.
Remove dirt, loose concrete, repair materials or failed caulk.
Prepare crack for MatchCrete Clear application
Use a diamond blade to slightly cut open the crack and clean out loose concrete and debris.
Stamped concrete repair with Roadware MatchCrete Clear.
Use tape to mask off the crack.
Materials need to repair stamped concrete with MatchCrete Clear.
Gather materials needed to make the repair. From left to right we have some brown concrete pigment, silica sand (43-30 grit), black unsanded tile grout for color, and a mixing cup.
Materials need to repair a crack in stamped concrete with MatchCrete Clear.
Dispence the MatchCrete™ Clear into a cup.
Adding silica sand to Roadware MatchCrete Clear for repairing stamped concrete.
Add a littlt silica sand to give the MatchCrete™ Clear some base color.
To create your color, add a small amount of powdered concrete pigment and blend with a mixing stick.
Mixing pigment into MatchCrete Clear.
Concrete pigments are strong. It just takes a small amount to color the product.
Here we are adding some black un-sanded tile grout to the mix to make a closely matching color to the stamped concrete. You can use many types of sand and dry pigments to create the desired color and texture.
Blending color into MatcCrete Clear.
Blend well by hand for about 30 seconds. You will have about 10 – 15 minutes of working time before the product starts to gel. Work in small batches.
Pour MatchCrete Clear into the crack.
Pour the blended MatchCrete™ Clear into the crack. The material will start to gel and can be troweled into place before setting.
Reapiring Stamped concrete with MatchCrete Clear.
Allow to set for about 30 minutes and pull the tape.
MatchCrete Clear Stamped concrete repair.
The repair can will be ready for traffic in about an hour. Roadware MtchCrete™ Clear repairs are tough and will not crack apart like cement based materials. The repair is UV color stable and will not become brittle like epoxy. Please click here for a MatchCrete™ Clear data sheet.

Cracked floor in data center repaired with Roadware 10 Minute Concrete Mender™.

When permanent repairs are needed for a data center that will operate 24/7/365, the contractor turns to Roadware 10 Minute Concrete Mender™. Concrete Mender’s Microdowling™ action penetrates deep into concrete cracks and can re-bond slabs back together to form a structural repair. The repairs can be polished flush in about 15 minutes leaving a smooth high performing surface.
Cracked concrete in a space to be converted to a data center in Omaha, Nebraska.
The cracked topping span at this data center needs to be repaired so a dust free environment can be maintained.
Roadware 10 Minute Concrete Mender™ is used to repair the cracks and spalls prior to concrete polishing.

Roadware 10 Minute Concrete Mender™is mixed with sand and applied with a margin trowel.  Unlike polyureas, Concrete Mender™ will not gum-up and will remain trowel-able for several minutes before setting.

Concrete crack repairs with Roadware 10 Minute Concrete Mender™ can be most any length, width or depth.

After about 10 minutes, repairs can be polished smooth using standard concrete polishing equipment. Concrete Mender™ will not smear into the surrounding surface under  the heat if the diamond polishing.

The polished floor is now smooth, dust free and ready for the data center.


The polished floor is now smooth, dust free and ready for the data center.


Matching repairs to exterior concrete with a broom finish.

Use Roadware MatchCrete™ Clear, quartz sand, and portland cement to repair cracks in exterior concrete sidewalks and decks with a broom finish. MatchCrete™ Clear is a non-yellowing polyurethane bland that sets fast, bonds very well and can accommodate exterior conditions.

Click here to see the video:

New videos showing MatchCrete™ Clear.

Last week I posed two new videos on the Roadware YouTube Channel showing Roadware MatchCrete™ Clear in action repairing cracks in an exposed aggregate concrete sidewalk and patio. I also posed a video on how to repair a hairline crack in a driveway or sidewalk.How to repair a crack in an exposed aggregate concrete patio using Roadware MatchCrete™ Clear in a 600ml cartridge.

How to repair an exposed aggregate concrete sidewalk using Roadware MatchCrete™ Clear in the 50 ml cartridge.

How to repair a hairline crack in a driveway, sidewalk, patio, or pool deck with Roadware MatchCrete™ Clear.