Use Roadware MatchCrete™ Clear, quartz sand, and portland cement to repair cracks in exterior concrete sidewalks and decks with a broom finish. MatchCrete™ Clear is a non-yellowing polyurethane bland that sets fast, bonds very well and can accommodate exterior conditions.
Roadware Flexible Cement II™ is semi-ridged polyurethane for creating flexible bonds between concrete surfaces and other materials. This versatile material may also be used to protect contraction joints from traffic deterioration.
What is Flexible Cement II? ProprietaryPolyurethane Blend
Formulation: Classified
Manufacturing: South Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA
Origin: Designed for creating flexible bonds between concrete surfaces and dis-similur materials.
Function: To flow into concrete cracks and joints. Filling the void with a semi-flexible polyurethane the will accommodate heavy traffic.
Military Use: Classified
Civilian Use: Fill cracks, joints and spalls in commercial, industrial and civil applications.
Service Life: Indefinite
Cure Time: 10 Minutes at 70°F (21°C)
Distribution: Worldwide Distributor Network
Exterior Repairs
Use Flexible Cement II™to repair cracks and protect control joints in parking structures, bridge decks, loading docks, and many types of structural concrete.
Control Joints
Use on industrial floors to protect saw-cut control joints from wheel traffic damage.
Cove joints
Use Flexible Cement II™ to seal cove joints where the floor meets a structural wall.
Electrical Podding
Seal electrical loops and embedded lighting systems.
Repair concrete thresholds with high thermal differentials.
Flexible Cement II™ is tolerant of surface moisture when applied. Concrete should be as dry as practical to insure a good bond.
Concrete Bonding
Flexible Cement II™ is an excellent flexible adhesive for bonding metal, wood, and synthetic materials to concrete. Use to bond moldings and tack strips to concrete floors.
Bond asphalt to concrete.
Bond wood to concrete.
Bond metal to concrete.
Bond carpet nail strips to concrete.
Bond carpet molding to concrete.
High Traffic
Repairs are tough and can handle heavy industrial traffic.
Use Flexible Cement II™ to protect joints and cracks in concrete bridge decks and pavement where heavy traffic is anticipated. This polyurethane is about as hard as a roller blade wheel and will prevent debris from filling cracks and causing further deterioration of the concrete.
Flexible Cement II™ is recommended for low movement crack repair. This tough material will hold up to forklift and industrial traffic while allowing for some movement. For high movement areas and expansion joints, we recommend a softer caulk type material.
Flexible Cement II™ repairs are ready for traffic in just 10 minute at 75 degrees F (24C).
Bulk mixing Flexible Cement II™:
The passenger tram at this airport gilds on pillows of air. Flexible Cement II is used to prevent the expansion joints from damaging the air pillows.
One of the 12 air pillows that support each car. Flexible Cement II™ prevents metal expansion joints from lifting up and cutting the air pillow as the car passes.
Flexible Cement II™ is used to protect the interface between the metal expansion joint and the concrete. This allows for a smooth surface for the air lift cars to glide over.
Use Flexible Cement II™ to repair sawn contraction joints and cracks
Why are my contraction joints spalling and what can I do to stop it?
Contraction joints (or control
joints) are joints cut into a slab shortly after pouring. The purpose of these joints is to control the cracking of the slab as it cures. Most concrete slabs shrink and sometimes curl for the first 12 months after pouring. Contraction joints allow the
slab to crack at pre-determined intervals instead of natural random cracking. Joint filler is used to protect the joints from spalling and chipping caused by traffic on the slab.
As the slab cures for the first
12 months, it shrinks in size and may even curl up at the joints. The contraction joints will expand as the slab shrinks. This causes the joint filler to split apart or dis-bond from the sides of the joint leaving them exposed to traffic.
When loads are rolled over the
joint. The force of the load has to transfer from the wheel, to the concrete, and to the base. If the slab is even slightly curled and the joint is expanded, the force of the load will impact on the joint causing cracking and spalling. You may even get stress cracking parallel to the joint. You can sometimes feel the uneven load transfer across the joint if you stand with one foot on either side of the joint and have someone else roll a heavy load across the joint.
Eventually, you get a spalled contraction joint. The joint filler has completely failed or is missing. Wheels go “thunk, thunk” every time they go over the joint. Productivity suffers, and the joint fills with dust and debris.
A popular and effective way to repair spalled contraction joints is to lock them back up with Roadware 10 Minute Concrete Mender™. Once the slab is 12 months old, the shrinkage and curling has finished. There is no longer a need for contraction joints. Now you can use Concrete Mender™ and silica sand to bond the slab back together from the base all the way up to
the top. This will stabilize the slab, restore aggregate interlock,
and allow for complete and even load transfer from the wheels all the way down to the base. Your contraction joint problems are solved.
NOTES: Locking up contraction joints
is recommended for interior controlled environment applications with sound concrete and base. Exterior applications may have different results. Always test a small section
of large repair for compatibility.
One gallon of Concrete Mender™ will make 2.2 gallons of repair material when typically applied with 2 parts sand. That makes Concrete Mender™ a better value then most epoxies and polyureas. No other product we know of goes as far and performs as well. Any way you look at it, Concrete Mender™ is a better value even it it was twice the price.